Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christian Joy

It is evident that sometimes when we are writing about certain things, for instance Christian Joy we are tested with those very things we talk about with great confidence.  Joy within a life especially a Christian life is an attribute that most any of us desire and need.  Joy is sometimes one of the hardest emotions to show if we are having problems that perplex our soul.  I for one have grown into a state that if I am troubled and cannot produce the joy that I need in front of others...I perfer to be alone.  I do not want others to see me discouraged as I have a tendency to show my feeling at times.  This is one of the many aspects of my Christian Thinking Thoughts that I have had to work on through my life.  I had rather not talk about these kinds of things to others as I once did.  I want them to see the Joyful side not the down times.  I think one of the reasons is simply because most humans have enough burdens to carry of their own and I do not want to be troublesome to others. I find it hard to share my secret discouragements and do not want others to see a weakness in me.  Of course, these are not weaknesses, we all have times of discouragement and times when we had rather be alone to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, as the scripture state. 

I have worked with my inner self through the years in my quest for Christian Joy so that I do not show my feelings when they are not full of Joy or Enthusiasm, as I used to do.  It was a learning process and I had to learn that it doesn't matter how we hurt, no one has to know.  I read the book by Norman Vincent Peal that stated; to feel better, practice joy.  One of the scriptures given was "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (John 12:11).  So you see Jesus' words which indicates He wishes us a joyful life, full of His blessing.  If we have Joy, it will rub off on others, if we have Enthusiasm, people will notice and it makes them want to have the same kind of disposition.  It is a bit profound and staggering to think but if we think joyful thoughts in any situation, we can find a peace that whatever it is we are going through will come out to our advantage in some way as an end result.  I know it is almost impossible to have joy when we lose someone we love by death....I have also been told that sometimes it is easier to lose someone by death than it is to lose them and they leave us.  I can see the point but I believe if someone leaves us on this earth; it has to be to our advantage in some way, we later find out.

What I do believe is most important when we have no control over situations which saps our Joy and Enthusiasm; we must turn it over to the One who can heal and bring our Joy back to us, full and stronger than before.  It is hard to let go of hurts, disappointments and failures but if we are living a Christian life, we are in a position to ask for help from the Almighty; " The Lord is neigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit". (Psalms 34: 18 KJV) In another scripture it says:  "For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning".(Psalms 30: 5 KJV).

In another scripture it also states that the Joy of the Lord is your strength. In ending this post let me share with you something that I read long ago and is most important in any life, it will sustain us when it seems we do not have any Joy left and that is this: 

"The kind of living that makes life good is as exact as a science, and not something that you muddle through without rules.  Life responds to certain precise methods and procedures.  Your life can be either a hit or a miss, empty or full, depending upon how you think and act.  The enthusiast knows and draws upon valid resources.  He plays it cool and straight.  Such a person believes there is nothing in life so difficult that it can't be overcome; that faith can indeed move mountains.  It can change people.  It can change the world.  It can help you survive all the great storms in your life.   However, Joy and Enthusiasm are qualities that must be affirmed and reaffirmed; practiced and repracticed". 

The latter paragraph came from a book by Dr. Norman Vincent Peal.  These are powerful words and very true, it makes me sure that I will keep moving forward in my endeavor to find full Joy no matter what my circumstances are.  Thank you for reading and I truly hope you find something worth keeping.

Salvation Made Simple, Forgiveness Do It Now,Spiritual Growth

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